Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Goal - eat as clean as possible for one month. No processed carbs of any kind, no processed meats like bacon or sausage, no sugars (including fruit) no caffeine, no alcohol.

Day 1:
7:45 - wake
8:30 - breakfast = three scrambled eggs
morning - lots of water
11:37 - am starving so time to start lunch of chicken breast with 1/2 avocado and broccoli

No caffeine headache yet. I think it's more the ritual of the coffee than an addiction, but we will see!

3:30 - handful of macadamia nuts
5:30 - workout. Handstand work, 6 Rounds 1 min on, 3 min off kettlebell swings at 35#
7:45 - dinner = five paleo meatballs (grass fed ground beef, red onion, egg, salt, pepper, basil, garlic, 1/2 cup almond flour cooked in coconut oil); broccoli, califlour, carrots

Still no caffeine headache, that's good. Overdid the fats today between the avocado, nuts, and almond flour. Meatball recipe did make 17 balls, had five for dinner so these may work as a breakfast meat the next couple of mornings.

This is my witching hour - the serious sweet tooth comes out. Over the last few weeks managed to curb this into a square or two of dark chocolate every couple of days. Not sure what to replace this night time ritual with - writing this blog I suppose!

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